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Just Reading the Local Rag

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  • Just Reading the Local Rag

    First up noticed that we are advertising season tickets in it with a half page spread which is good to see. I don't recall us in the past advertising season tickets in the local paper so that's a step in the right direction in my book

    Also on the bag page it has an interview with Clint Hill which states that he triggered an one year contract extension because he played 23 games which Im chuffed to read. I had thought he was out of contract and seeing him training pre season was the club allowing him to keep fit as I recalled he signed a one year extension year before last under Hughes.

  • #2
    amazing wests even with 'record sales' the spin....ooops i mean media office still feel the need to advertise season tickets!
    you know nothing john snow!!!!


    • #3
      And amazing the negative spin on any such post on here!

