Originally posted by vblockranger
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Starting to like what I'm hearing
Last edited by Rangers77; 17-05-2013, 10:32 AM.
Originally posted by Rangers77 View PostI think TFs with you there, vblock. I think he knows he's made the mistake of allowing himself to be done up like a kipper. Like the excellent entrepreneur he is he put his trust in the experts- with proven track records- to run things on the field for him. And Hughes et al let him- and therefore us- down. TF may have suggested we buy Park for commercial reasons, but Hughes would haven't agreed to that if he hadn't rated Park for playing reasons. And Hughes made Park captain, not TF. An owner with more experience wouldn't have agreed to signing Cesar after Green, but Hughes- and that ba5t@rd Kia- engineered that and TF- like us- fell for it hook, line and stinker (sic). Several times bitten, you become very, very shy..... TFs had no end of a lesson. He strikes me as the fella to learn it. Of course only time will tell...
Originally posted by wicksta View PostAnd what about the shareholders? Should I be blamed for Woolworth's failure if I had Woolworths shares? The 'top man' in football should be considered the manager not the owners/shareholders, especially if they are continuing to invest in the business.
As a minority shareholder with no influence on the business plan or appointments to the company's management team then the answer is NO you shouldn't be blamed.
However, as Chairman of the board who is also representing the interest of the majority shareholding, and with direct responsibility for the business plan and appointments to the company's management team then the answer is YES you should bear some of the responsibility - which to be fair TF has done to some degree, so perhaps you are disagreeing with him??
Originally posted by vblockranger View Postwe can hope mate..find out next season but i think anyone should have learnt some lessons from this season.
I'm pretty sure he wont fall in the same trap again.
Originally posted by Del View PostOf course he's leant from this season. The bloke's clearly not an idiot so give him some credit for having some savvy. He, like most fans, thought the aquisition of the players we brought in would easilly secure premier leaggue status and help us become established. It proved the wrong move with the type of players involved, aging, past best, content with former glories possibly, lack of total desire, whatever.
I'm pretty sure he wont fall in the same trap again.
Lets see how he goes about it pre season.
Originally posted by Del View PostSpot on.
Fernandes has been great for our club. His only failing was to put so much faith in certain managers and their choice of players, however, fans always cry out for a chairman who'll back a manager. He has backed 3 managers as much as he could, yet is now getting slammed by some for that. Hypocrisy of the highest order from some fans, who i'm sure weren't at the time saying to keep our championship side intact......
AS fo comments about being built on quicksand.... blimey how fast do people think club infrastructure and foundations can be achieved?? Even getting approval for such things takes time. In less than 2 years, they have finalised plans for and had approval for a brand new training complex and academy, which is massively important for a club of our size. This is fantastic news and proves they aren't as clueless when it comes to running a footall club as some give credit for. Add to this the proposals and clear intentions for a new stadium, which we desperately need regardless of sentimental feelings and for me our club is in very good hands and i wouldn't expect anything more at this stage.
Also, as for 2 years of failure.... well as poor as it's been along the way, the fact we retained prem status last year was certainly not a failure for a promoted club, in fact deemed a success. This last season has been a monumental failure granted, but again it certainly wasnt for the lack of effort on the part of a chairman.
Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View PostGreat post. Nothing is guaranteed in sport (unlike say theatre or cinema), you don't know the outcome, that's what makes it exciting. Virtually everything Fernandes has done was supported along the way, including the appointment of Hughes and Redknapp and the signing of the vast majority of the players (we can all say "I told you x wd never be any good": I thought Andrew Johnson was a shocking buy and I was right - yippee! I was also completely underwhelmed by the Ryan Nelsen, so was completely wrong on that). The point is the overall strategy was widely backed. Now because it didn't pan out some people are calling Fernandes a "berk" (which probably says a lot more about them than it does Fernandes). The moaners on here are just like UKIP voters - they offer absolutely no solutions or strategy, they just want to have one extended long whinge...you sound like one of them anti English sweatys from yesterdays news
well its well known that qpr own 100 acres of land down at sunbury but for a long time no building rites were aloud so it was a long shot but if finnally now the spelthorne council has realised the iportance of a stadium then the whole origional development could be alloed that would mean the building of a casino and a hotel plus a whole village of differant type of shops and amusements
loftus road will be turned into 500 one million pound flats and that 500 million pound will go towards the new 35 thousand all seater,its very important to be near the air port as the hotel will be part of the air asia corperation
money to buy players will be generated from the profitabillity of this complex and gradually qpr will grow stronger,its really a rip of what reading have tried to achieve but with a lot more financial clout
and technology,i wouldnt be surprised to see a massive supermarket as well
Originally posted by qprted View Postwell its well known that qpr own 100 acres of land down at sunbury but for a long time no building rites were aloud so it was a long shot but if finnally now the spelthorne council has realised the iportance of a stadium then the whole origional development could be alloed that would mean the building of a casino and a hotel plus a whole village of differant type of shops and amusements
loftus road will be turned into 500 one million pound flats and that 500 million pound will go towards the new 35 thousand all seater,its very important to be near the air port as the hotel will be part of the air asia corperation
money to buy players will be generated from the profitabillity of this complex and gradually qpr will grow stronger,its really a rip of what reading have tried to achieve but with a lot more financial clout
and technology,i wouldnt be surprised to see a massive supermarket as well
Originally posted by qprted View Postwell its well known that qpr own 100 acres of land down at sunbury but for a long time no building rites were aloud so it was a long shot but if finnally now the spelthorne council has realised the iportance of a stadium then the whole origional development could be alloed that would mean the building of a casino and a hotel plus a whole village of differant type of shops and amusements
loftus road will be turned into 500 one million pound flats and that 500 million pound will go towards the new 35 thousand all seater,its very important to be near the air port as the hotel will be part of the air asia corperation
money to buy players will be generated from the profitabillity of this complex and gradually qpr will grow stronger,its really a rip of what reading have tried to achieve but with a lot more financial clout
and technology,i wouldnt be surprised to see a massive supermarket as well
Originally posted by qprted View Postwell its well known that qpr own 100 acres of land down at sunbury but for a long time no building rites were aloud so it was a long shot but if finnally now the spelthorne council has realised the iportance of a stadium then the whole origional development could be alloed that would mean the building of a casino and a hotel plus a whole village of differant type of shops and amusements
loftus road will be turned into 500 one million pound flats and that 500 million pound will go towards the new 35 thousand all seater,its very important to be near the air port as the hotel will be part of the air asia corperation
money to buy players will be generated from the profitabillity of this complex and gradually qpr will grow stronger,its really a rip of what reading have tried to achieve but with a lot more financial clout
and technology,i wouldnt be surprised to see a massive supermarket as well
The sunbury site would be ****** ideal for us that live in surrey, however I can't see it being a place that would attract new fans. We would have to keep it in surrey, allbeit i'd imagine the land would be allot cheaper!I played sunday league football today.
Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.
I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.
We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!
Originally posted by Del View PostFuturistic hover pods free with every ticket which take fans from wherever they are directly to their seat using state of the art GPS technology.... Plus a complimentory go on Megan Fox with every ST sold.