Originally posted by W12_Ranger
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Starting to like what I'm hearing
Originally posted by QPR Richard View Post@vblock ranger
Ok so you don't like the current board. Who do YOU suggests takes over?Last edited by vblockranger; 17-05-2013, 10:10 AM.
Originally posted by vblockranger View Postlol i find that whole post hilarious ... SO Fernandes has failed badly in his first 2 seasons in charge and we now find ourselves massively in debt and reliant on him and his partners but because he has pots more money and a history of running an airline (and a sh1t F1 team) that automatically makes him good at running a football club? Think we need to take a look at your educational credentials if i am honest before you start harping on about others. You just continue to stick your fingers in your ears, smile vacantly and get down on your knees for "uncle Tony"...no doubt a suitable patronising tweet is winging its way from his PR men as we speak to keep you in the warm fuzzy land of rainbows and fwuffy wabbits for another day or two. Hilarious. Just like Tony's business model.
Originally posted by vblockranger View PostSomeone with a better business model, not as naive, bit more ruthless and lots of money to repair Fernandes mistakes and total balls up he has made to date.Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.
Originally posted by vblockranger View PostSomeone with a better business model, not as naive, bit more ruthless and lots of money to repair Fernandes mistakes and total balls up he has made to date.
Originally posted by vblockranger View PostFernandes and BEard have made such a balls up that we now find ourselves in the Championship saddled with a huge wage bill and uninterested players.... thanks to their business model we now are entirely reliant on these rich numptys just to pay the wages every week. I am worried about my clubs future and what other mistakes this berk is going to make.
Originally posted by Rangers77 View PostA colossal balls up, yep, but one largely the making of Hughes, Rigg and Kia thecriminalwiththeunmemorablename. Plus Tango and Cash prevented Warnock from strengthening the team in the summer of 2011. TF trusted Hughes et al and had his pocket picked. Simple as. He's guilty of naivety and over enthusiasm, nothing more. And, yes, we all cheered when these busted flushes were signed (save Park in my case..).... TFs a genuine fella. He comes to games and is ****ed off when we lose; pleased when (rarely) we win. Which is more than you can say for those who own the likes of Man City and Soton.
Originally posted by QPR Richard View PostOk fair enough but who?
Originally posted by W12_Ranger View PostNothing has been built yet Dicky Boy and until it happens I reserve the right to hold judgement. The first 2 years of Fernandes tenure have been built on 'quick sand' / no solid foundations. Forgive if I don't feel the sun shines out if his #### like you but the only thing he has achieve is keeping us in the bottom 4 of the PL for 2 seasons with an embarrassing record in the last transfer market.
As for who I think should be running the club, how the **** would I know do you actually think I follow potential football club owners that closely
The training ground has got the go-ahead and is a WIP. The money is available for the new stadium and will take some time to come to fruition.
Patience is required.Supporting QPR isn't just about a football team. It's about roots and identity.
Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View PostOh yeah, there are six of those hanging around Shepherds Bush Green as we speak. What an idiot Fernandes is for not spotting them and selling to them...
Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View PostSo you expect the owners to continue to pump tens of millions of pounds into the club year on year to buy players who will perform in front of circa 16,000 people? Why shouldn't the owners seek to make money on the side out of cinemas etc? If it goes into a separate account that is their business. The bottom line is they are far more likely to invest in the football club if it is part of a larger profit making - or potentially profit making - concern than if it just leaches money, as at the moment. Do you think there is a single modern owner - possibly the Wigan owner aside - who does not think in terms of growing all aspects of the business? And what is wrong with that? If you want purity and a nice local owner then fine, but don't expect investment and potential return to the Premier League as well. In the modern world you simply can't have both. Its pretty obvious, right?
1) I don't expect them to pump in millions without a return at all - what my post actually says is that they should get a return on their investment, so just about the polar opposite in fact.
2) Nowhere did I express a wish for "purity and a nice local owner"
3) Nowhere did I call for "investment and a potential return to the Premier League"
If you actually read my post, it's pretty obvious, right? (throwing condescension right back at you there)
My post was purely about not taking everything TF says as gospel and speculating about his and his fellow investors underlying motives. Not to to #### him off, not to call for his head, not to put him in the stocks - just to question and speculate upon where QPR fits into all of this. Why do I do this? Because I am a little concerned at the direction the club MIGHT be moving in.
One other point, why are they far more likely to invest in the football club if it is part of a larger profit making concern? The club is most certainly leaking money at the moment - and it was when they took over – er, yet they invested in it. The reason for this was the ground, it's all about the ground - that's where they'll get their money back from, not QPR.
If we end up in a far better financial and infrastructural state than we were before they came then that can only be good. However, the crux of my debating point is whether in achieving that goal, the heart of the club is fundamentally changed. Some would say that change at all costs is a good thing... maybe it is but I'm merely suggesting that it might not be.
No wonder why I never read past the first 2 pages of most threads. The topic goes way off trackUnder Les Ferdinand:
Luke Freeman, top assists in the league: 4million
Alex Smithies, great goalie for this club: 3,5million
Charlie Austin, 19 Premier League goals: 4million
Jack Robinson: Contract ran out, left for free
And many more mistakes
Originally posted by MrSwakeley View PostI don't particularly blame Fernandes for our relegation but in any organisation, the top man takes some responsibility for poor business performance
Originally posted by Rangers77 View PostA colossal balls up, yep, but one largely the making of Hughes, Rigg and Kia thecriminalwiththeunmemorablename. Plus Tango and Cash prevented Warnock from strengthening the team in the summer of 2011. TF trusted Hughes et al and had his pocket picked. Simple as. He's guilty of naivety and over enthusiasm, nothing more. And, yes, we all cheered when these busted flushes were signed (save Park in my case..).... TFs a genuine fella. He comes to games and is ****ed off when we lose; pleased when (rarely) we win. Which is more than you can say for those who own the likes of Man City and Soton.
Spot on.
Fernandes has been great for our club. His only failing was to put so much faith in certain managers and their choice of players, however, fans always cry out for a chairman who'll back a manager. He has backed 3 managers as much as he could, yet is now getting slammed by some for that. Hypocrisy of the highest order from some fans, who i'm sure weren't at the time saying to keep our championship side intact......
AS fo comments about being built on quicksand.... blimey how fast do people think club infrastructure and foundations can be achieved?? Even getting approval for such things takes time. In less than 2 years, they have finalised plans for and had approval for a brand new training complex and academy, which is massively important for a club of our size. This is fantastic news and proves they aren't as clueless when it comes to running a footall club as some give credit for. Add to this the proposals and clear intentions for a new stadium, which we desperately need regardless of sentimental feelings and for me our club is in very good hands and i wouldn't expect anything more at this stage.
Also, as for 2 years of failure.... well as poor as it's been along the way, the fact we retained prem status last year was certainly not a failure for a promoted club, in fact deemed a success. This last season has been a monumental failure granted, but again it certainly wasnt for the lack of effort on the part of a chairman.