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  • #31
    Your owners? Sorry to disappoint you but I'm afraid I haven't a clue who your owners are. Millwall don't register on our radar really. Think it was one of your earlier owners who said that your aim was to "become the QPR of south London". Looking like that ambition is still a bit of a fantasy. Punching above your weight in the Championship but not fussed either way - a game against you wd be like playing Orient or Barnet, just another funny little club from the wrong end of London. Ps: how's Ron Hulse doing? did he manage to score last season, ever?


    • #32
      Well, I'm betting Milldew attendances are quite pathetic overall, really.
      Especially if Bwian, his mates Wichard, and Wobert, and maybe, Woderwick too, stand on the corners of Milldew's stadium with their trousers round their ankles soliciting blokes on matchdays.


      • #33
        Tell me Mr Lion, How many Millwall players have played for ENGLAND


        • #34


          • #35
            what made their debut whilst at millwall? nah.


            • #36
              Originally posted by knocker View Post
              what made their debut whilst at millwall? nah.
              Makes no difference does it? 8 played for England whilst at Millwall, whether it was the debut or not makes no difference!


              • #37
                who were they? Can't remember anyone. nust have been a long time ago. can think of a few who played after they left.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by knocker View Post
                  who were they? Can't remember anyone. nust have been a long time ago. can think of a few who played after they left.
                  All pre-WW2


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by NortholtRanger View Post
                    All pre-WW2
                    Yes norths, last one 1938!!


                    • #40
                      All before people stopped liking them!


                      • #41
                        ive got nothing against miilwall personly and looking forward to going to the den next season although not as intimidating as it once was its always good knocking about the thames then nicking 3pts of the lions!! respect to kenny jacket and danny ****tu!!


                        • #42
                          i like going via 'cowards walk' as i aint got the peckham pouncer' to worry about...phew
                          you know nothing john snow!!!!


                          • #43
                            No one likes you, we don't care...... Bye for now !
                            F*CK OFF CHELSEA WEST LONDON IS OURS!


                            • #44
                              I enjoy an away day at Millwall also. Usually good for a bit of banter and as said earlier not as intimidating as Millwall like to think

                              Last time we were there after the game we decided we did not want to hang around and be treated like sheep in the pen so we tried to exit to the left hand side of the away end where Millwall's main stand is. We got there and there was a big wall of plod with loads of Millwall there bouncing up and down. We asked the police if they could step aside as we came by car and therefore did not want to wait for the best part of an hour in the train queue.

                              The response was do you really want to step into this lot until we have sorted them out as they will know your QPR fans, Politely we said yes hence why were asking you to step aside. He then said go on then good luck so we started to make our way through to be challenged by the second wall of coppers who thought we were Rangers trying to get at Millwall and got there batons out. Before a blow was landed by the coppers we managed to explain the earlier copper said we could leave via the cordon. He again said you guys are either double hard or ****** stupid as this lot are baying for blood and he refused to let us through and sent us back to the pen.

                              In hindsight that was prob the right decision as the Millwall lot did look particularly menacing clashing with the police

                              As we got back to the pen it was starting to go off between Rangers and Millwall over the fence an Rangers were making a genuine attempt to get the fence down to get at Millwall, Im sure a few of you will know the incident im talking about


                              • #45
                                I dont mind Millwall , and work with a few of their chaps, but this fella has made a right t it of himself
                                Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers

