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Supporters can sometimes be just as wrong about players as their clubs.

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  • Supporters can sometimes be just as wrong about players as their clubs.

    Fans at any club can latch onto players as representing what the club stands for, like passion, commitment and things like that. And resent any criticism of said players as it shakes their core belief in their team. This shows itself in fan chants at games and on MB's which probably clubs monitor from time to time to guage supporters feelings.

    They sometimes want a particular player to join and then realize afterwards it wasn't such a good move after all. Clubs and managers must be slightly wary sometimes of making decisions which go against popular consensus and when they do decide to act it can be too late. I remember a few years ago that Dexter could do no wrong in fans eyes, but all I saw was a player that was slow, who constantly fell over, but was good at heading, and I wasn't too bothered when he left.

    NW was going to sign Diouf here but fan power stopped him, but he then signed for him at leeds. We wanted Samba and opinion is now divided on him. I'm not sure I've ever read anywhere that fans put their hands up and take any of the blame for their club predicaments.

  • #2
    Im not the slightest bit interested in what any player does , at the end of the day most are dumb and have been blessed with knowing how to kick a ball how wonderful,

    But for 90 minutes i want them to represent my club to the best of their ability, not to hard is it,

    I really admire players who put a shift in for their team but you dont hear to much about outside football,

