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Are we "Saddo's" if we care too much about QPR???

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  • #61
    Originally posted by bushcelt1 View Post
    with you all the way on this vespa. i can't be throwing money at clobber the way i used to. i'd rather spend it on me saucepans but you still have to make an effort to look smart. i now pick and choose my clothes more carefully but still feel great when dressed up(be it casual or suited and booted). notting hill is full of rich tramps and poor dressers so defo a working class thing. all about looking better than your pals or other local mobs. you got a mention on friends of fulham site on a rangers thread!! hope your well.
    ...all sounds extremely shallow and full of vanity to me.....is it REALLY that important that you look better than your pals??? Don't get it at all.......still, as you say, obviously a working class thing, so guess I never will.....


    • #62
      Originally posted by vespa View Post
      me and my little girl were at the shops the other day , when in the line in front of me stood a youth with his a rse hanging out the top of his jeans. My 6 year old starts wetting herself laughing and pointing at him saying ( in a really loud voice ) " dad , that man,s pants are showing ,look ,look, he,s trousers are falling down ! ) ,i tell her its fashionable for kids to wear their strides like that at the moment , and she starts singing " he looks like a clown ,his trousers fall down " !

      I`m cracking up laughing at this point , the youth is trying his best to ignore her, wishing the ground would swallow him up, and she still dosnt beleive me that he had them like that on purpose.

      What makes me laugh with these "baggy pants youngsters" is this explanation below about the origin of wearing your jeans round your ar*e.......

      I have seen several times people posting on Facebook about the history of wearing very low trousers. They claim that it was invented in U.S prisons. Apparently by showing a little bit of their butts

