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Are we "Saddo's" if we care too much about QPR???

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  • #46
    I just think it's unhealthy if it governs your life (holidays etc). Losing in my early 20s used to ruin a week-end for me...now gutted but come 6pm it's fine. Not going to arrange life around games. QPR will always be there, other things won't.


    • #47
      Originally posted by James1979 View Post
      I just think it's unhealthy if it governs your life (holidays etc). Losing in my early 20s used to ruin a week-end for me...now gutted but come 6pm it's fine. Not going to arrange life around games. QPR will always be there, other things won't.
      It still affects me, used to really get me down years ago.
      It still does now, but my Daughter is the main thing in my life now, doesn't matter about how much I love my team, have ink all over me of my team.

      But, My daughter comes 1st now.
      I dress like a total tramp in QPR shirt and Jeans, but make sure my Lil girl always looks good and has all she needs.


      • #48
        Originally posted by HoopDoggyDogg View Post
        It still affects me, used to really get me down years ago.
        It still does now, but my Daughter is the main thing in my life now, doesn't matter about how much I love my team, have ink all over me of my team.

        But, My daughter comes 1st now.
        I dress like a total tramp in QPR shirt and Jeans, but make sure my Lil girl always looks good and has all she needs.

        Mate, no excuse to ever dress like a tramp, dont go down that road ,
        Dont get me wrong ,agree sort your little girl out first ,
        but its a rocky road when a geezer ,lets his dress sense slide ,
        ive seen it happen to mates ,used to be top Mods or Casuals now their dressed like big issue sellers / or their wives ,either way its not good
        Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


        • #49
          Originally posted by vespa View Post
          Mate, no excuse to ever dress like a tramp, dont go down that road ,
          Dont get me wrong ,agree sort your little girl out first ,
          but its a rocky road when a geezer ,lets his dress sense slide ,
          ive seen it happen to mates ,used to be top Mods or Casuals now their dressed like big issue sellers / or their wives ,either way its not good
          I can't ever let myself go fully.
          When the wife goes for tanning, eyelashes done, nails n all that.
          There is no way, I can let myself fully go.


          • #50
            Originally posted by HoopDoggyDogg View Post
            I can't ever let myself go fully.
            When the wife goes for tanning, eyelashes done, nails n all that.
            There is no way, I can let myself fully go.
            Good man , we might be going down , but were allways be Londons sartorically finest
            Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


            • #51
              I'm not getting into this debate as not missing a game in the last 9 years would no doubt put me in the sad category but I'm not over weight,dont wear colours,don't get in debt and have a fuc*ing good crack around the country.


              • #52
                Originally posted by QPRWEBBIE View Post
                I'm not getting into this debate as not missing a game in the last 9 years would no doubt put me in the sad category but I'm not over weight,dont wear colours,don't get in debt and have a fuc*ing good crack around the country.
                You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by vespa View Post
                  Mate, no excuse to ever dress like a tramp, dont go down that road ,
                  Dont get me wrong ,agree sort your little girl out first ,
                  but its a rocky road when a geezer ,lets his dress sense slide ,
                  ive seen it happen to mates ,used to be top Mods or Casuals now their dressed like big issue sellers / or their wives ,either way its not good
                  Hey Vesp, any fella who is overly concerned about his dress sense and is a bit vain, and is afraid to let those standards drop once in a while is always a bit suspect in my book....know what I mean!?
                  Nothing wrong at all with being a scruffy Herbert.....!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vespa View Post
                    i`d put fulham in front of the mother in law !
                    Best team in the world
                    Sort of


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by twranger View Post
                      Hey Vesp, any fella who is overly concerned about his dress sense and is a bit vain, and is afraid to let those standards drop once in a while is always a bit suspect in my book....know what I mean!?
                      Nothing wrong at all with being a scruffy Herbert.....!
                      No mate ,as the saying goes clothes maketh the man .
                      Weve had this before i know, but i grew up in a culture of (working class, clothes ) oneupmanship, you posh boys never got it , still dont. Always got to look sharp , you feel so much better ,whether its Casual,Skinhead or Mod .
                      Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                      • #56
                        Always gotta dress well. Never trust a scruffy man!
                        You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
                          Always gotta dress well. Never trust a scruffy man!
                          There's a happy medium I think, too 'sharp' and you risk seeming vain, superficial and self-involved, too scruffy and you appear lazy and ****less.


                          • #58
                            dress scruffy when your young if you want...cant get away with it when your older


                            • #59
                              me and my little girl were at the shops the other day , when in the line in front of me stood a youth with his a rse hanging out the top of his jeans. My 6 year old starts wetting herself laughing and pointing at him saying ( in a really loud voice ) " dad , that man,s pants are showing ,look ,look, he,s trousers are falling down ! ) ,i tell her its fashionable for kids to wear their strides like that at the moment , and she starts singing " he looks like a clown ,his trousers fall down " !

                              I`m cracking up laughing at this point , the youth is trying his best to ignore her, wishing the ground would swallow him up, and she still dosnt beleive me that he had them like that on purpose.
                              Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by vespa View Post
                                No mate ,as the saying goes clothes maketh the man .
                                Weve had this before i know, but i grew up in a culture of (working class, clothes ) oneupmanship, you posh boys never got it , still dont. Always got to look sharp , you feel so much better ,whether its Casual,Skinhead or Mod .
                                with you all the way on this vespa. i can't be throwing money at clobber the way i used to. i'd rather spend it on me saucepans but you still have to make an effort to look smart. i now pick and choose my clothes more carefully but still feel great when dressed up(be it casual or suited and booted). notting hill is full of rich tramps and poor dressers so defo a working class thing. all about looking better than your pals or other local mobs. you got a mention on friends of fulham site on a rangers thread!! hope your well.
                                PRIDE OF LONDON.

