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Are we "Saddo's" if we care too much about QPR???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Factamondo View Post
    ,,,,no worries 'mate'
    great thread dave!

    not really sure what the answer is to your question mate. gonna chew on that along with my lamb chop dinner. will come to a conclusion about this "sad" issue later.

    great thread and very thought provoking.
    nsa/cia spy on this..............┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


    • #17
      Some very valid points raised on here.... I'll be honest I trudged out of Villa Park the other week and felt like all of my vital organs had been ripped out of my ears but by the time I got back to Whitstable I'd thawed a little.... I can't lie defeats do often ruin my weekend to a point but I have many other interests outside of football that distract me and whilst I often spend money that could be 'better used' as it were I would never go if I was really skint... Luckily I earn decent money but try to be sensible and would never dream of planning my whole life around following the R's but if others want to then that's down to them... However, if spouses or children are abused and or neglect as a result of a fans' commitment to following/supporting the R's then surely that has to be questionable....

      One thing that does wind me up though is some fans who get personal and or abusive to fellow fans for having the temerity to disagree with their views.... P.i.s.s.e.s me off immensely that does.... Sorry for the ramble and hope I haven't gone too off piste....
      Last edited by BuffooneRy; 27-03-2013, 08:22 PM.


      • #18
        Basically if you are reading, commenting, posting new threads on this forum you are leading a sad life.


        • #19
          Originally posted by OneEyedWilly View Post
          Basically if you are reading, commenting, posting new threads on this forum you are leading a sad life.
          You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


          • #20
            its more than just a game ,no doubt , its part of your life and personality ,and yes losing a very important game or local derby does affect my moods,for a time at least.
            But compared to looking after my family ,providing for my kids etc its a definate secound .
            Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


            • #21
              Family,work.health and money etc certainly come first but rangers come just after. I would put rangers in front of the mother in law and the family dog anyway :-)


              • #22
                i`d put fulham in front of the mother in law !
                Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                • #23
                  Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
                  Family,work.health and money etc certainly come first but rangers come just after. I would put rangers in front of the mother in law and the family dog anyway :-)

                  Rangers before the dog? Never!!!


                  • #24
                    I believe some fans are more passionate then others but no one likes losing. It's not sad to love your football club, footballs like a religion in this country & many others.

                    I personally adore my football club & defeats ruin my whole weekend normally. Could call it sad but I call it passion
                    Under Les Ferdinand:
                    Luke Freeman, top assists in the league: 4million
                    Alex Smithies, great goalie for this club: 3,5million
                    Charlie Austin, 19 Premier League goals: 4million
                    Jack Robinson: Contract ran out, left for free
                    And many more mistakes

                    LES FERDINAND, IT'S TIME TO GO


                    • #25
                      it's life, brought up in Batman Close and was lucky to see us do the 'double' 1967, a lot of the boys I grew up with have married and moved away from London and don't go, but I know they will always follow us wherever they are. Me, don't go as much as I used to but hate it when we lose these important games, as much as I ever did
                      I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                      This morning's tempest I have to cross
                      I must be guided without a stumble
                      Into the arms I love the most


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
                        Family,work.health and money etc certainly come first but rangers come just after. I would put rangers in front of the mother in law and the family dog anyway :-)
                        Oh come on Vblock the dog's important!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by qpr View Post
                          I believe some fans are more passionate then others but no one likes losing. It's not sad to love your football club, footballs like a religion in this country & many others.

                          I personally adore my football club & defeats ruin my whole weekend normally. Could call it sad but I call it passion

                          Saw a documentary on football fans in Brazil a while back and some did go to church to pray for a win..........I don't know how they kept their faith if they lost, but they seemed to go most weekends


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by vblockranger View Post
                            Family,work.health and money etc certainly come first but rangers come just after. I would put rangers in front of the mother in law and the family dog anyway :-)
                            This is where I am tbf. Except for the mother-in-law, I don't have one of those. And replace dog with cats.

                            A few years ago, I'd have put Rangers top of the list, but years of disappointment have desensitised me a bit. I'm getting more relaxed about it in my frail dotage tbh


                            • #29
                              What a great OP and thread. That other thread annoyed me in the comments that followed. I don't think people need to 'get a life' just because they are passionate about their club. I have booked my summer holiday but I did think the other day I wonder if I will miss a game so I can identify with that. Different people have different levels of commitment. I do actually think the people who go to the away games are better fans than me as I only get to the odd one. In the same way i think I am a better fan than those who don't go at all. That is just my view and i acknowledge things like length of support and personal circumstances. I felt a better fan in the 80s when I went every week than I do now but once you have done that it never really leaves you.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by CroydonCaptainJack View Post
                                What a great OP and thread. That other thread annoyed me in the comments that followed. I don't think people need to 'get a life' just because they are passionate about their club. I have booked my summer holiday but I did think the other day I wonder if I will miss a game so I can identify with that. Different people have different levels of commitment. I do actually think the people who go to the away games are better fans than me as I only get to the odd one. In the same way i think I am a better fan than those who don't go at all. That is just my view and i acknowledge things like length of support and personal circumstances. I felt a better fan in the 80s when I went every week than I do now but once you have done that it never really leaves you.

                                Good post CCJ ,and i 100% agree
                                Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers

