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WeAreTheRangersBoys.com 2015/16 Charity Donations £648.29

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  • WeAreTheRangersBoys.com 2015/16 Charity Donations £648.29

    We've donated £648.29 last season so a big "Thank You" to all our members for your support for using our site.

    2015/16 - Donations made £323.29 (And £325 - One off donation to Stan Bowles Alzheimer's Fund) TOTAL £648.29
    2014/15 - Donations made £205
    2013/14 - Donations made £340
    2012/13 - Donations made £430

    WeAreTheRangersBoys.com have been donating £5.00 each month to the below QPR charities, we'll alo be including the "Stan Bowles Alzheimer's Fund" to our monthly donations.

    QPR Community Trust
    Kiyan Prince Foundation
    Global Relief Initiative
    Alzheimer's Society
    Stan Bowles Alzheimer's Fund - Monthly payments setup directly.

    If you would like to make a separate donation, please do by clicking on the charity names above.

    **The Stan Bowles / Alzheimers Charity Bet Thread** - BrightonR created a 'Bet Thread for Stan Bowles', the total collected was £325.00. (2015/16 One off payment)
    Crisis at Christmas - We've donated £23.29 to help someone who's homeless this Christmas. (2015/16 One off payment)
    Stan Bowles Alzheimer's Fund - We've donated £60 for the full year in advance (2015/16 One off payment)

  • #2
    Well done myu great stuff
    I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles

