WeAreTheRangersBoys.com is a totally independent fans website, we are small but it's free to use and relies purely on adverts to survive and we don't ask for any donations.
If you enjoy this site, spend time on here with us and would like to help us prosper into the future, below are just a few simple things you can do which will cost you nothing.
Amazon - Most people shop online with Amazon, it doesn't matter if you already have an account with them or not. If you buy through our 'Amazon' Tab at the very top of the forum, we'd get a small percentage from your sale. The item/product you buy will still cost you the exact same price.
Online Bookmakers - Most of us like to have a little bit. If you register a new account with any of them through this site 'FREE BETS' Tab at the top of the forum, we will receive a percentage from all losing bets (not including the 'free bet' for joining). At least this way you know that the bookmakers don't get to keep all your money and it's supporting a website that you use.
Articles from the Web - We have some links to articles from other websites and if you read those it generates revenue for this site. Guests can find the articles below the first post in a thread.
We will never ask for donations or start a subscription to view this site, it will remain free, we will also make donations to our QPR charities as we've been doing the past years, and offer better and better prizes. Prizes are purchased from the club superstore, so money being spent is going back to our club QPRFC. In the future we'd like to buy matchday tickets to watch QPR which we can then give away as prizes.
We're just like all the other websites, we need our viewers support to keep functioning without the subscriptions.
Thank you.
WATRB's Team
WeAreTheRangersBoys.com 2014/2015 Charity Donations
If you enjoy this site, spend time on here with us and would like to help us prosper into the future, below are just a few simple things you can do which will cost you nothing.
Amazon - Most people shop online with Amazon, it doesn't matter if you already have an account with them or not. If you buy through our 'Amazon' Tab at the very top of the forum, we'd get a small percentage from your sale. The item/product you buy will still cost you the exact same price.
Online Bookmakers - Most of us like to have a little bit. If you register a new account with any of them through this site 'FREE BETS' Tab at the top of the forum, we will receive a percentage from all losing bets (not including the 'free bet' for joining). At least this way you know that the bookmakers don't get to keep all your money and it's supporting a website that you use.
Articles from the Web - We have some links to articles from other websites and if you read those it generates revenue for this site. Guests can find the articles below the first post in a thread.
We will never ask for donations or start a subscription to view this site, it will remain free, we will also make donations to our QPR charities as we've been doing the past years, and offer better and better prizes. Prizes are purchased from the club superstore, so money being spent is going back to our club QPRFC. In the future we'd like to buy matchday tickets to watch QPR which we can then give away as prizes.
We're just like all the other websites, we need our viewers support to keep functioning without the subscriptions.
Thank you.
WATRB's Team
WeAreTheRangersBoys.com 2014/2015 Charity Donations