its very hard to login now with that advert strip going right across the login and password box at the top of the page.Yes i know i have managed it by other means but whats the point of the login box if you cant access it
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login and password
What device are you using, the ad should now move below our logo giving access to the login box.
The other way to login is when you are reading a post or thread, click on "Reply With Quote", login box will open in the centre of the screen or use mobile style.
We are trying to move the login box from the top right.
Click on the Remember Me Box, don't log out when you leave.
It will then log you in automatically when you visit.
Originally posted by blueboy View Postits very hard to login now with that advert strip going right across the login and password box at the top of the page.Yes i know i have managed it by other means but whats the point of the login box if you cant access itF*CK OFF CHELSEA WEST LONDON IS OURS!
Originally posted by MYU View PostWhat device are you using, the ad should now move below our logo giving access to the login box.
The other way to login is when you are reading a post or thread, click on "Reply With Quote", login box will open in the centre of the screen or use mobile style.
We are trying to move the login box from the top right.